[Limited to 1 group a day] Also an excellent remedy for rough skin. Try making your own aroma cream packed with the benefits of pot marigold.
Minamiboso is Japan’s largest producer of calendula (pot marigold). Using dried calendula petals grown for culinary purposes without the use of pesticides, you can learn how to make three kinds of aroma crafts: calendula oil, skin lotion, and beeswax cream. These crafts are really simple, so you can have fun making them together over a cup of calendula herb tea. You will also benefit from the staff’s extensive knowledge on calendula, who will tell you all you need to know.
10:50 Meet/register
11:00 Aroma craft workshop
12:00 Finish
[Required time] Approx. 1 hour 10 min.
[Availability] From 2 people
* Not suitable for people with beeswax, almond or Asteraceae-related allergies.
* Calendula beeswax cream and lotion can be used immediately, but calendula oil can be used two weeks after preparation.
Ms. Takakura of Delfina works to promote the benefits of calendula, the floral symbol of Minamiboso. In addition to aroma crafts, she produces a range of other calendula products, including salad dressings and sauces.
Homemade calendula oil keeps skin soft and moist. It contains flavonoids, which are said to have strong antioxidizing properties.